
Getting a Clean Up Fee from Uber or Lyft 4

Getting a Clean Up Fee from Uber or Lyft

So your passenger just got sick. That’s part of the territory as an Uber or Lyft driver – you’re transporting intoxicated passengers late at night, and sometimes drunk people get sick. Cleaning up results in lost time and wages. Luckily, Lyft and Uber acknowledge that their drivers are no strangers to these types of messes and they have made it simple for you to get reimbursed.

Best Mobile Phone Carriers for Uber & Lyft Drivers 13

Staying in Shape as an Uber Driver

According to research published by the CDC and the Mayo Clinic, long hours behind the wheel can be related to several health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, back pain and increased stress.  Sitting for hours at a time, frequent snacking and fast food consumption bear much of the blame, but with good habits, however, you can combat these pitfalls and stay in shape while doing Uber or Lyft.

Best Mobile Phone Carriers for Uber & Lyft Drivers 27

Best Mobile Phone Carriers for Uber & Lyft Drivers

Whether you’re self-employed or work for a business, you’re only as good as the tools in your toolbox. Just like a carpenter needs a good hammer, a rideshare driver needs a good wireless network. You can buy the best phone on the market, but it will only be as good as its network. So how do you choose when there are so many options? You’ll want to narrow down the field by prioritizing one or more of the following…

Goodbye Cargo

Cargo CEO E-Mails Drivers Abruptly Shutting Down

If you’ve been doing Cargo, you probably got an email from the CEO last week telling you that Cargo is “pausing” their in-car store program. If you have a Cargo Box, you will not be paid for sales after January 10th, 2020, but those sales will go towards a contest in which the winners can which a 55″ TV or Apple Airpods. 

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